Fast Facts
- Type:
- Fish
- Diet:
- Omnivore
- Size:
- Up to 18 in (45 cm)
- Group name:
- School
- Did you know?
- Flying fish can soar high enough that sailors often find them on the decks of their ships.
- Size relative to a tea cup:
Knowing Flying Fish Habitat
Recognize qualifications and Flying Fish Habitat - Assalammu'alaikum, satisfied discuss Goldfish and How Livestock and Aquaculture now we will discuss fly fishing . Flying fish have a Latin name Hirundichthys oxycephalus. and in Japan, flying fish are named tobiuo. While in the area more precisely Majene western part of the island of Sulawesi, this fish has a nickname wink-wink fish. Throughout the world, flying fish there are about 52 species are scattered in the world ocean, and some of the species of the flying fish have fins with one pair of fins around the chest and one pair again in the abdominal area. and if it expands fins, these fish will be seen to have four wings that are beautiful or more familiarly known as the biplanes, and flying fish species that has only one wing known as monoplanes.
Flying Fish

Flying fish are happy to live in groups, flying fish is a fish that inhabit the high seas, with warm water as well as in marine waters of the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean danjuga Atlantic. And in our country, flying fish populations scattered in Sulawesi, Papua, and Flores. Flying fish have a blue base color leather with white belly area, while the area is very me pectoral fins and fin ekoriliki long and wide shape and form the letter V. These fish can grow to an average reach a size of 17 cm with a larger eye compared to other fish, but there are species (California Flying Fish) that can grow up to 40 cm in size.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Beloniformes
Family: Exocoetidae
Genus: Cypselurus
Species: Hirundichthys oxycephalus
flying fish morphology
Flying fish can lay eggs and the egg was named tobiko in Japanese, and fish eggs te. Tobiko greater than masago (capelin Fish egg), but smaller than ikura (telurrbang rampant use as a food ingredient that is sushi.